Here’s yet another game of musical chairs on an airplane. A father was incensed that nobody would move so that he and his grown son could sit together.

The flight was bound for Abu Dhabi from Madrid, a trip lasting approximately six hours. Even though the father asked several passengers to move, he directed his anger at one in particular.

What Happened?

According to The Mirror, “The duo had boarded the plane and asked several people on it whether they could switch seats in order to sit together.”

“One passenger recalled being asked to move, to which they, and everyone else, said no.”

The Passenger Explained The Situation On Reddit

“It also caused a slight delay as the flight attendants were asking what’s happening with them,” the passenger explained on Reddit.

Since nobody would comply with the father’s request, he and his son had to sit one row and two seats apart. They could still very much see each other.

The passenger said, “The whole trip they were talking loudly to one another and exchanging stuff. Waking some people up.”

What Happened When The Plane Landed?

When the plane arrived in Abu Dhabi, the father pounced on the opportunity to berate his fellow passenger for not moving.

He barked, “Word of advice, try to be more compassionate next time!”

As reported by The Mirror, the father “proceeded to tell the passenger he should’ve moved as he’d be in an aisle seat regardless and that it wasn’t his fault that he was placed separately from his son.”

The Passenger Didn't Care And Neither Did Anyone Else

The passenger in question stuck to their guns.

“If they wanted to sit beside each other so much, why didn’t they pay for the reserved seating?” they asked.

“What if I paid for this reserved seat, will you still make me move? Will I get my money back? He’s being entitled.”

Users agreed with the passenger that the father was indeed out of line.

One person commented: “Unless the father was disabled or ill, there is no reason he couldn’t sit a row apart from his son for six hours.”

Another quipped, “You paid for a reserved seat. They didn’t. That’s not on you. You did not owe them anything. Period.”

Related: Olympic Athlete Refuses To Switch Seats For Couple, And Shares Story On TikTok