A new site is being recognized as an LGBTQIA+ landmark. The Legacy Walk is a significant spot that acknowledges and educates on the impact of community members. This unique historic place has made waves in its local community and will continue to do so as an official landmark.

The one-of-a-kind outdoor LGBTQIA+ museum is a place that travelers should visit if they plan on being in the north-central area of the United States any time soon. This is especially true if they want something to do for Pride celebrations or appreciate an LGBTQIA+-friendly city. This landmark might make the perfect stop during a trip to one of the country’s most culturally rich (and diverse) big cities.

The LGBTQIA+ Landmark

The Legacy Walk is a historical landmark located in Chicago. 
pictured: the cityscape of Chicago
Photo credit: Jack Young/Unsplash

The Legacy Walk is an outdoor educational initiative that exhibits notable LGBTQIA+ individuals. This mile-long installation has several markers along the street that provide a biographical account of members of the LGBTQIA+ community. These community members made significant strides that impacted history on a large scale. The contributions of these people are on display at the Legacy Walk. The site basically serves as an outdoor classroom. Travelers may even encounter some figures they did not know were a part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

An interesting aspect of the Legacy Walk is that the installations are on tall steel pylons with a decorative rainbow feature. On the pylons, travelers will be able to see bronze memorial markers. The markers have detailed accounts of LGBTQIA+ individuals and how they shaped the world for the better. Travelers who want to honor queer historical figures can view the impressive history exhibit that now has forty bronze markers.

The installation even gains an additional historical figure each year on National Coming Out Day, October 11. The Legacy Project team alternates the biographical plaques throughout the outdoor exhibit to allow visitors to view newer plaques. This means travelers can learn more each year as new memorials are added and switched out.

Where Is the New LGBTQIA+ Landmark Located?

The Legacy Walk is located on the north side of Chicago. Technically, it is in the Lakeview neighborhood, but locals morecommonly refer to this area as Boystown. The installation is on the North Halsted Street Corridor. Travelers can find 10 pairs of pylons between Belmont Avenue and Grace Street. This one-of-a-kind installation is about 40 minutes from Uptown Chicago by bus or train.

How Can Visitors Explore the New Landmark?

Travelers can go on self-guided tours of the Legacy Walk. This way of exploring it is most popular with small groups and solo travelers. If visitors to the exhibit want a more immersive experience, they can schedule a tour. Groups can take private tours of the Legacy Walk. These tours include additional information travelers will not find on the plaques, such as more details on the historical figures and the story behind the landmark.

Overall, though, since the installations are located along the streets, the best way for travelers to explore is on foot. The Legacy Walk is the world’s biggest LGBTQIA+-focused historic landmark, so visitors can learn a lot as they explore the site.

What Does the New Title Mean?

The title of historic landmark means a few different things for the Legacy Walk. One benefit is that the city protects the site since the public considers it a historic location with cultural significance. The city has designated it a historic landmark because it is a marker of business and cultural importance in the area. It has been a long-standing site in Chicago since it was originally installed by the initiative’s founders in 2012. Travelers can expect the Legacy Walk to be preserved and acknowledged as the internationally important landmark that it is.